How to Decrease the Size of a Jpeg File
Reduce PDF or Image File Size, or Rotate an Image
Reduce PDF File Size
There are several ways to reduce a document's file size to attach in PDF format in CTI Navigator. If you have the original document(s) and a scanner, you can:
- Re-scan the document at lower resolution. This usually is the quickest and easiest fix. If you scanned the document in color, try scanning in gray scale. If your gray scale scanned file is too large, try scanning as Black and White (1-bit resolution).
- Re-scan the document in parts (or separate one document into several smaller documents) so that each individual file size is less than 1 MB. For example, Part 1 and Part 2; or Main Document and separate Addenda documents.
- Scan each page of a multiple page document as an image, save each image as its own file, and then use the Create PDF tool in CTI Navigator Desktop's Document Manager to link these image files together in one PDF document. For instructions on using CTI's create PDF tool, see "Use Document Manager & Create PDF" on CTI's Help and Tutorials website.
If you cannot reduce the file size sufficiently with a scanner, do not have a scanner, or your original is a text file (such as a Word, PowerPoint or Excel document), you can print the file to a third-party PDF printer utility that will electronically convert its format to PDF. Many popular PDF converters are free to download and use (such as Cute PDF Writer, Bullzip PDF Printer, or PDF Creator), although some may display advertising either in the document or during the creation process.
To convert an existing document (or image) file to a pdf formatted file, you also can use free web-based document conversion services that do not need to be installed on your computer (such as ,,, or . Some third-party PDF converters, such as, offer compression options to help reduce the size of a PDF file.
To quickly reduce the size of an existing PDF File on a Mac with OS X:
- Double-click on the PDF file (or right-click on it and select "Open With") to open in Finder's Preview
- In the Preview menu click Export
- Click the button beside "Quartz Filter" and select "Reduce File Size"
- Click Save.
If your PDF file contains high resolution color images, you can use the "ColorSync Utility" on your Mac to reduce the file size:
- Open Spotlight (press "Command+Spacebar" keys)
- Type colorsync
- Click File > Open > select a PDF file >click Open
- On the pop-up Filters screen click on the Filters icon
- Select "Reduce File Size"
There are several free online tools than can be used to reduce the size of pdf files.
- One of the simplest to use is at . Here you can upload or just drag-and-drop your existing PDF file into an on-screen box and it will be compressed automatically. (See also .)
- At you can upload a PDF file and select from a variety of compression settings and options. You also can remove bookmarks, annotations, PDF layers, article threads and other undesired file components. (See also
- To reduce the size of up to 20 PDF files online, go to . Unlike some other services this tool doesn't change the DPI, thus keeping your documents printable and zoomable.
Reduce Image File Size
Large images should be reduced in size (to 55 KB or less) before adding them to a flyer or custom report in CTI Navigator. You can use the basic image management tool called "Paint" that is included as an accessory in all supported versions of Windows to resize images.
To Resize a picture or image using "Paint" in Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista (click here for video)
Open Paint:
In Windows 10: click the Search icon or box, type Paint, and click on the Paint desktop app.
In Windows 8: on the Tiles screen, type Paint, and click on the App icon for Paint
In Windows 7 or Vista: click the Start button
> click All Programs > click Accessories > then click Paint .
- Click File in Windows 10 or 8 or on the Paint button
in Windows 7/Vista > click Open > select the picture or image you want to resize > then click Open.
On the Home tab, in the Image group, click Resize.
In the Resize and Skew dialog box, select the Maintain aspect ratio check box so that the resized image will have the same aspect ratio as the original picture.
If the Maintain aspect ratio check box is selected, you only need to enter the horizontal value (width) or vertical value (height). The other box in the Resize area is updated automatically.
Do one of the following in the Resize area, and then click OK:
To resize your picture by a certain percentage, click Percentage, and then enter a percentage to reduce the width by in the Horizontal box, or a percentage to reduce the height by in the Vertical box.
To resize the picture so it's a specific size, click Pixels, and then enter a new width in the Horizontal box, or new height in the Vertical box.
Click File in Windows 10 or 8 or the Paint button
in Windows 7/Vista > point to Save as > then click the picture file type for the resized image.
Type a new file name in the File name box, and then click Save.
To Resize a picture or image using "Paint" in Windows XP
Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint
On the Paint Menu, click File > Open > change "Look In" to the location of the image to be resized > click Open
On the Paint Menu click > Image > Stretch/Skew
To maintain the original width-to-height aspect ratio, enter the same percent (such as 50%) for both Horizontal and Vertical under Stretch. Note: Do not enter any Horizontal or Vertical Degree value under Skew.
Click Okay to preview the resized image
Click File > "Save As" > enter a filename > click Save.
In Windows XP you also can use the " Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" to reduce the size of an image:
- Double-click on the image file to open it
- Right-click on the image
- Select Resize Picture
- Select Small or Medium
- Click the OK button.
In any version of Windows , you can download and install " Image Resizer for Windows " from Microsoft's free open source project hosting website. " Image Resizer for Windows " is a free utility that lets you resize one or more selected image files directly from Windows Explorer or File Explorer by right-clicking on the file and selecting a preferred size. (Left-click on thumbnail images below to enlarge.)
Third-party photo editing programs (such as Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro ) also can be used to resize graphical image files.
Alternatively, you can use free photo editing programs such as PIXresizer (download), Shrink Pictures (online), FlipMyPhotos (online), Google'sPicasa (download), Google Photos, or GIMP to easily reduce the size of an image.
In Picasa:
- Select the image
- Click Export
- Specify the Location and Name of the Exported Folder
- Set the Image Size Option to 800 pixels or lower
- Leave the Image Quality set to Automatic (or change to Normal)
- click the OK button.
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Rotate Photo or Image
Photos taken with some cameras (especially iPhone and iPad cameras using iOS 5 and later) may need to be rotated and/or saved in correct orientation before being uploaded into CTI Navigator. (See "Fix Photo Orientation" for details.)
You can easily rotate a photo or scanned image in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction in Windows as follows.
Pain t users in Windows 10, 8 and 7:
- Open the image in Paint (one of the Windows Accessories apps).
- Click the Home tab
- Click the Rotate Icon
- Select Rotate Right 90�, Rotate Left 90�, Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal.
Paint users in WindowsVista and XP:
- Open the image in Paint (one of the Windows Accessories programs).
- Click Image
- Click Flip/Rotate
- In the box that opens, select to flip an image horizontally or vertically, or rotate the image by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
PIXresizer (download) can be used to both rotate images and reduce their file size.
To rotate a photo on a Mac , launch the iPhoto app. Then select File, Import, Rotate Clockwise (or Counterclockwise).
Online service: You also can resize, rotate, flip or crop an image in your browser by using an online image editor such as the free Google Photos, or FlipMyPhotos.
For additional information on using Photos in CTI Navigator, see also " Fix Photo Quality Issues (Resolution, Orientation, and Image Sharpness)."
Related articles and Internet Links:
- Beginners Guide to Flyers
- Design Flyers and Reports
- Fix Photo Size, Orientation, Resolution, Quality and Upload Guidelines
- FlipMyPhotos online
- GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
- Google's "Picasa" Photo Organizer
- How To Compress a PDF File Using, Preview on Mac, or Adobe Acrobat Pro (by WikiHow)
- How to Use Paint in Windows 8 (by Microsoft)
- How to Shrink PDF File Size (5 methods)
- Image Resizer for Windows
- InfanView (free) Graphic Viewer and Editor for Windows
- Microsoft Video on How To Resize a Picture Using Paint
- Resize Images Online
- Resize, Rotate or Convert Format of Image with free PIXresizer program
- Shrink Pictures
- Use Document Manager & Create PDF
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{ rev. 10.30.2017}
How to Decrease the Size of a Jpeg File
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