Madden Nfl 19 Extra Point Easy to Miss
Check out this page for some tips for Face of the Franchise, the newest mode for Madden NFL 20! The page will give you a walkthrough of your college career all the way to the pros!
Face of the Franchise (also known as QB1) is a mode introduced with Madden NFL 20. Combining elements of Longshot and Superstar modes from previous iterations of the series, Face of the Franchise is a guided experience that leads you into Be a Player mode of a new Franchise file with some added features. When starting a new file, Face of the Franchise will ignore your personal settings until you reach the NFL.
Because Face of the Franchise (hereafter FOF) requires you to be a quarterback, you will need to start a normal Be a Player file if you are interested in playing any other position. However, once you complete the 90-minute FOF introduction through your player's college career, you will be able to add additional characters into your Franchise file and otherwise customize it at will.
Be warned that standard Franchise and Face of the Franchise are separate game modes. FOF cannot be taken online. Once your player gets to the NFL you can introduce multiplayer through added characters, but it's local multiplayer only. Standard Franchise modes can be played online with other players.
Getting Started with Face of the Franchise
After selecting the QB1 tile from the main menu, you will be prompted to start or load a file. After a short cutscene, you can design your quarterback's appearance. Note that his height, weight, and body type will all be fixed throughout the FOF mode; however, once your character gets to the NFL, you'll be able to change freely any of his cosmetic parameters, even his name. His position will be locked in at QB for his career.
You won't need to select a name right away, and the hometown can be typed in rather than being selected from a premade list. After selecting your voice and running through a couple more cutscenes, you'll be able to select your college from a list. The selection is ultimately cosmetic to the plot.
Playing in College
Your next big decision will come before the first game where you can select your opponent. Again, this is mainly cosmetic; all the college teams in FOF are roughly the same strength. After that, Madden NFL 20 will run you through a quick passing tutorial so you can get used to the various Pass Types you can throw. During this tutorial, you'll have three chances to throw each pass type successfully. If you fail, nothing happens; the game simply transitions to the next drill.
When you begin playing the college game, you'll notice that you are not controlling just the quarterback. The two college games you'll be playing in FOF are standard Madden games in that you'll be playing all players on both sides of the ball. If you're new to the Madden series of games, you may want to run a few exhibition games if you want to get used to defense or running. Alternately, you can keep your hands off the controller and let the AI play for you, although that's not usually the safest option.
The first college game gives your opponent suboptimal AI. They have terrible clock management and may even hand you the game toward the end with inefficient decisions. For example, you may run into a situation where you lead by only a point or two with a few seconds left to play, but the AI will decide to go for it rather than attempt a field goal despite being within range. You'll not be gifted wins this way in other modes.
Note that it is possible to lose this game, but if you do, you'll be in the NFL anyway. Because FOF is ultimately a framing device and an introduction into Franchise, there is no way to completely lose out. If you do lose, you'll be taken to the combine and eventually drafted.
Assuming you win the first college game, you'll then be taken to a second after some cutscenes. This time the opponent is randomly chosen, and the AI is given more strength. You'll need to really be on your game here, but the overall strategy will not change.
After the championship, win or lose, you'll advance to the next part of the story.
The NFL Scouting Combine and Draft
After your college career is over, you'll have conversations with a few GMs before attending the NFL Scouting Combine. Similar to the pre-game warmup from college, the Combine will run you through a few drills to test your timing on your throws. This time you'll only have a single attempt per drill, and there are 24 total drills.
Your performance on the drills will impact your starting overall rating once you get to the NFL. The difference can be vast, with high-70s for exceptionally good performances or low-60s to exceptionally bad ones.
Your performance will also affect which round you are drafted in and with which team you play for, though teams with highly rated established quarterbacks like the New England Patriots or Philadelphia Eagles will never draft you. Generally, if you perform exceptionally well, you'll wind up on the New York Giants in an early round. If you perform poorly, you may wind up on the Miami Dolphins or Cincinnati Bengals in later rounds. You will never go undrafted.
After the draft, you'll have a few ending cutscenes, and you'll then be taken to the Franchise hub for your first preseason game.
In the NFL
Once you make it to the NFL, the game will change to a traditional Franchise mode. The file is still kept separate because your player will have features not available to standard Franchise files, such as getting texts from Emily and other characters from the story.
The very first thing you should do is edit your player. If the first tile of the hub says "Ability Slot Empty" as shown below, you can select that tile to go there. Alternatively, press R1/RB to get to the Team category, then select the "My Player" tile.
Splash screens will show you the features of your player card, but of note you can select your X-Factor and any Abilities. New slots are unlocked when you reach 60 OVR, 70, 80, 90, and 95, so you may have one or two available from the start depending on how you did at the Combine.
The abilities in each slot are different, so you'll need to think carefully which ones you want. Luckily, you can change these anytime between games, and they are explained on-screen. Although your X-Factor may be game-changing, most of the abilities are not. However, think about your personal play style when you select them; if you don't like scrambling for example, the Leap Frog ability would be wasted.
You can also select any locked slots to get a preview of all the abilities that can be selected. There are no additional requirements to unlock standard abilities other than reaching a certain OVR rating. Additional X-Factors require reaching 85 OVR with specific archetypes.
After setting your abilities, you can use the "Edit Player" tile in the Team category to change anything cosmetic with your player. You can change his name, number, college, height, weight, facial appearance, and equipment. None of the options there will affect your player's ratings, even the height and weight. As with abilities, you can freely edit your player any time between games.
The final option you may want to explore is in the Options category. Here, you can select various settings screens such as the League Settings screen where you can set the rate of injuries, quarters length, whether the game uses an accelerated clock, and the difficulty level.
From here on, FOF is all about making an impact for your team. From the Franchise hub, you'll have tiles that ask you to set goals and train weekly for XP. Training can be simulated, but you'll earn less XP than if you run the drills yourself. In FOF you will likely get the starting job for your first season, though depending on League Settings you wouldn't necessarily get it in a standard Franchise file. Prior to games, you can interact with your coach or fans as seen below.
During games, you will only control your player. As the QB, he may be involved in holding the ball for field goals or extra point attempts during preseason, but otherwise he'll only be on the field during a normal offensive drive. Madden NFL 20 will quick-sim through plays he's not involved in, so the win and loss of the game may be out of your hands if your defense is having a particularly bad day.
If you wish to add additional characters to your FOF, you can press R3 on the main menu to bring up the side panel. From there, you can select "Create a New Character" and add a player, coach, or owner to any other team. Remember that any multiplayer must remain local for FOF.
For the rest of FOF, it's all about adding to your Legacy Score. It's a bit buried; you need to navigate to the League category in the hub, then the Stats tile This will bring up even more tiles, and you'll want to select the Legacy Leaderboard tile.
The Legacy Leaderboard will list where you rank on the list of all the upper-tier quarterbacks who have played the game. Personal stats are a small part of it, but you mainly get Legacy Points based on Super Bowl victories, Conference Championship victories, and personal yearly awards. In the screenshot below, the player-character is ranked #59 of the active quarterbacks, so he's got a long way to go.
Between seasons, you can demand your release from your current team if you want a change of scenery. However, you must remain active in the NFL; you cannot be a free agent, nor can you demand trades or otherwise negotiate the terms of your contract. For better or worse, FOF and Be a Player in general are more focused on the gameplay and on-field action rather than the minutiae of off-field management.
For more information of classic Franchise Mode, check out the Franchise Mode Tips and Tricks page! Or for more general help, see the Tips & Tricks and How-To Guides to get the most out of Madden NFL 20!
Up Next: Madden Ultimate Team Tips
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